you know up until about the age of 12, you were an angel. you'd light up a room. and then bang! overnight, you were a teenager. you ran us ragged. and it got worse. anti-this, anti-that. so certain, so bloody-minded. you couldn't leave anything alone. you terrified me! but you know what? god knows, i did admire you. i was so proud. you had convictions. well i buried mine at that camp.when i came home, all i wanted was your mother, a steady job, children and nothing to do with the evil i saw at that camp.but here you are, having to deal with it again. but you will. you will. you know what's right and you'll do it
这种意淫片太适合我这种屌丝了。 我想到了自己,那个喋喋不休的我与他何其相似。只是我把自己包裹了起来。 昨请一姑娘吃饭,喋喋不休,我仿佛看见自己,眼睛有点像蓉蓉的眼睛。 其实大家都很孤独,最新金瓶梅只是都说孤独很好。 还好,结尾,男主结局完美了。